Sunday, July 14, 2013

Art is Being Fearless: My First Prezi

As a person who can get lost in the details, synthesizing and disciplined mind sets are skills I hope to train myself in and continue to develop right along with my students. Howard Gardner’s (2008) Five Minds for the Future make sense in their order, as singular principles, and as scaffolding structures in support of each other. For a Disciplined Mind, you become an expert in your content area and keep honing your craft. The Synthesizing Mind is active, gathering and filtering important, relevant information to utilize and illuminate content. Prezi , in its non-linear beauty presents the poetry of these two Minds.

The artist in me loved having a canvas to create in Prezi. My Prezi, Purposes for Creating Art, explores a kindergarten standard of learning that is open to interpretation. I went to some quotes from creative innovators for inspiration. We must have synthesis and discipline to create if we want to communicate and share our ideas, effectively and efficiently. My students are in the youngest grades but I do see them working in teams, not belaboring the details like me, to create their own visionary Prezis. If you know where information comes, scout the sources, and tell your own story of truth, it’s powerful. 

I have already talked to some of my colleagues about collaborating and Prezi would be an excellent tool. Classroom teachers have access to more computers to use with their students than I do. I have more flexibility in my schedule then they do. I can see this being a match made in Project Based Learning heaven. Web access, we and students have access to, is filtered for internet safety which is appropriate. Discovery Education, Promethean Planet, and Sharepoint are common areas classroom teachers and I have to share. We can utilize Prezi integrating Art to enhance core learning in the classroom. Art in isolation loses hope so I am looking forward to sharing what I know with others and learning from them. My students are going to love this. 

Gardner, H. (2008). Five Minds for the Future. Boston,MA: Harvard Business School Press.

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